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  1. “Who Should Guard the Guardians? A New Approach for Monitoring Class Action Lawyers,” 21 Review of Litigation 25-82 (2002)

  2. “Threats to Sue and Cost Divisibility under Asymmetric Information,” 23 International Review of Law and Economics 261-272 (2003)

  3. “Incentive Structures for Class Action Lawyers,” (with Zvika Neeman), 20 Journal of Law Economics & Organization, 102-124 (2004).

  4.  “Against Compromise: A Mechanism Design Approach” (with Zvika Neeman), 21 Journal of Law, Economics & Organization 285-314 (2005)

  5. “The Class Defense” (with Assaf Hamdani), 93 California Law Review 685-741 (2005)

  6. "The Economics of Stigma: Why More Detection of Crime May Result in Less Stigmatization" (with Alon Harel), 36 Journal of Legal Studies 355 (2007)

  7. "Civil Justice Reform: A Mechanism Design Framework" (with Zvika Neeman), 164 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 52 (2008)

  8. "Comment on 'Product Liability, Signaling and Disclosure' by . F. Daughety and J. F. Reinganum" (with Zvika Neeman), 164 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 130 (2008)

  9. "Corporate Crime and Deterrence" (with Assaf Hamdani), 61 Stanford Law Review 271 (2008)

  10. "Ex ante-Verfahrensvereinbarungen aus kontradiktorischer Perspektive" (with Daphna Kapeliuk) (2009) in Ökonomische Analyse des Prozessrechts (Hrsg. Bork, Eger, Schäfer) Verlag Mohr-Siebeck, Tübingen (in German)

  11. "Negative Expected Value Suits" (with Lucian A. Bebchuk), in the New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law, C. Sanchirico ed. (2011)

  12. "Contracting Around Twombly" (with Daphna Kapeliuk), 60 DePaul L. Rev. 1 (2011)

  13. "Changing the Litigation Game: An Ex-Ante Perspective on Contractualized Procedures" (with Daphna Kapeliuk), 91(6) Texas L. Rev. 1047 (2013)

  14. "Does Information about Arbitrators' Win/Loss Ratios Improve Their Accuracy?" (with Zvika Neeman), 42 Journal of Legal Studies 369 (2013)

  15. "A Mechanism Design Approach to Legal Problems" (with Zvika Neeman), in The Handbook of Market Design, Alvin E. Roth and Nir Vulkan eds. (Oxford, 2013)

  16. "Judicial Decision Making: A Dynamic Reputation Approach" (with Alma Cohen and Zvika Neeman),  44 Journal of Legal Studies S133 (2015)

  17. "Agent Without a Principal", in Class Actions in Context: How Economics, Politics and Culture Shape Collective Litigation, Editors: Deborah Hensler, Christopher Hodges & Ianika Tzankova (Elgar, 2016)

  18. "Class Action Enablers", in Class Actions in Context: How Economics, Politics and Culture Shape Collective Litigation, Editors: Deborah Hensler, Christopher Hodges & Ianika Tzankova (Elgar, 2016) (with Camille Camerion and Jasminka Kalajdzic)

  19. "Cost-Benefit Analysis of Class Actions: An Israeli Perspective" (with Keren Weinshall-Margel), 172 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 75 (2016)

  20. “Class Actions in the U.S. and Israel: A Comparative Approach” (with Robert Klonoff) 19(2) Theoretical Inquiries in Law 151 (2018)

  21. "Consumer Fraud, Misrepresentation, and Reliance” (with Zvika Neeman and Yuval Procaccia) 95 International Review of Law and Economics 95 (2018)

  22. “In-Kind Transfers and the Law of Torts” (with Assaf Jacob and Yuval Procaccia) 47 Journal of Legal Studies 181 (2018)

  23. "Diffusion of Legal Innovations: The Case of Israeli Class Actions" (with Christoph Engel and Keren Winshall-Margel) 15 Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 708 (2018)

  24. “Auctioning Class Action Representation” (with Zvika Neeman and Ofir Moran) forthcoming 37 Journal of Law, Economics and Organization (2021)

  25. “The Unexpected Effects of Israeli Courts’ Approach to Dual-Listed Companies” 23 Theoretical Inquiries in Law 37 (2022)


  1. “The Boundaries of Mass Tort Class Actions,” 34 Mishpatim, The Hebrew University Law Journal, 301-384 (2004)

  2. “Overcoming the Advantages of A Single Defendant over Multiple Plaintiffs - The Class Action Device, A Case Note,” 21  Mechkarey Mishpat, Bar-Ilan Law Studies, 387-425 (2004)

  3. “Guidelines for the Interpretation of the New Class Action Statute – 2006" 49 Hapraklit 131 (2006) 

  4. "Justice and Efficiency in Civil Procedure: A New Perspective"  (with Roy Shapira), 7 Law and Business Review 137-175 (2007)

  5. "Employment Class Actions: Did the Rules of the Game Change?" (with Sharon Rabin-Margaliot), 31 Iyuney Mishpat, The Tel-Aviv University Law Journal  369 (2009)

  6. "The Class Defense and Mistaken Payments" (with Assaf Hamdani), 38 Mishpatim, The Hebrew University Law Journal 445 (2009)

  7. "Social Control in Gated Communities", in Gated Communities in Israel, Amnon Lehavi ed. 115 (2009)

  8. "Procedural Contracts" (with Daphna Kapeliuk), 33 Iyuney Mishpat, The Tel-Aviv University Law Journal 187 (2009)

  9. "Class Action Settlements and Voluntary Dismissals", 41 Mishpatim, The Hebrew University Law Journal 5 (2011)

  10. "Economic Analysis of Civil Procedure", in Law and Economics in Israel, Urieal Procaccia ed.  (Sacher inst.) (2012)

  11. "Non-Party Intervention in Civil Proceedings", in Shlomo Levin Book, Michael Kreine ed. (Sacher inst.) (2013)

  12. "Loss Causation in Securities Class Actions" (with Sharon Hannes), 35 Iyuney Mishpat, The Tel-Aviv University Law Journal  639 (2013)

  13. "Reliance, Causation and Damages in Consumer Class Actions" (with Yuval Procaccia), 37 Iyuney Mishpat, The Tel-Aviv University Law Journal  7 (2014)

  14. "Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction in Civil Procedure", 18 Law and Business Review 467 (2014)

  15. "The Gap Between the Perceived and Actual Value of Settlements in Class actions", 20 Law and Business Review 1 (2016)

  16. "Class Actions in Israel: An Empirical Perspective" (with Keren Weinshall-Margel), 45 Mishpatim, The Hebrew University Law Journal 707 (2016)

  17. "Fee Shifting in Civil Litigation – A Proposed Outline for Reform", 9 Mishpatim Online 107 (2016)

  18. "Review of the Merits in Israeli Class Action Certification" (with Ruth Ronen) 32 Iyuney Mishpat, The Tel-Aviv University Law Journal 5 (2019)

  19. “Procedure and Substance in Excessive Pricing Class Actions: A Combined Approach for Realizing Optimal Deterrence (with David Gilo)  35 Iyuney Mishpat, The Tel-Aviv University Law Journal 117 (2022)

  20. “Class Actions and the New Rules of Civil Procedure”  (with Naama Hadassi) 35 Iyuney Mishpat Forum, The Tel-Aviv University Online Law Journal 1 (2022)

  21. “Aggregate Litigation – An Alternative Model for Civil Proceedings”, 5 Studies on Regulation 139 (2022)

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